
高中生们经常会考虑,现在最适合他们的是esball世博的专业音乐学士学位,还是一个学位课程(通常是文学学士), 或英航, 程序) at 巴纳德学院 or 哥伦比亚大学. 交叉注册的选项允许esball世博的mba学生在哥伦比亚大学或巴纳德学院上课, and allows BA students at Barnard or Columbia to take lessons at Juilliard. Cross-registration opens up more possibilities for learning, capitalizing on the offerings of these New York City institutions.

These are not dual or double degree 程序s.

通过定义, if you cross-register you are enrolled, 已注册课程, and paying tuition and fees at 巴纳德学院, 哥伦比亚大学, 或者esball世博. 在其他学校取得的学分会出现在你所就读学校的成绩单上.

应用 as a First-Year Undergraduate




选项1I want to be a Juilliard student.

  • 你申请esball世博 音乐学士(BM) 程序.
    • If you are admitted to Juilliard and you enroll, you become a Juilliard student.
    • Once you are a Juilliard student, if you want to take classes at Barnard or Columbia, follow the instructions below for Current Juilliard 跳舞 or 音乐 Students.
    • Classes taken at another school appear on your Juilliard transcript. Credit for these classes may be applied to Juilliard graduation requirements, with approval from the Office of the 注册商 at Juilliard.


选项2I want to be a Barnard or Columbia student.

  • You apply to Barnard or Columbia for an undergraduate degree AND
  • 您还可以向esball世博申请参加交叉注册(“BCJ”)计划选项(即, to participate in the exchange elements noted below under Current Barnard or Columbia Students).
    • 如果你被巴纳德大学或哥伦比亚大学录取并在其中一所学校注册, you become a Barnard or Columbia student.
    • If your application and audition to the BCJ 程序 is successful, you will be assigned an applied teacher at Juilliard. Lessons taken at Juilliard will appear on your transcript at Barnard or Columbia.
    • 在巴纳德或哥伦比亚大学注册的学生,如果参加了至少两年的交叉注册课程,就有资格在大三的时候申请esball世博的音乐硕士学位课程(如下所述) The Accelerated 音乐硕士 后面的一节).



  • 你申请esball世博 BM 程序 AND
  • 你申请esball世博 BCJ 程序 AND
  • You also apply to Barnard or Columbia for an undergraduate degree.
    • 如果你同时被esball世博的mba项目和巴纳德学院或哥伦比亚大学的本科学位录取,你必须选择在哪里注册. It is NOT possible to be enrolled at both Juilliard and Barnard or Columbia. 也, because cross-registered students are enrolled at only one school, double majors and double degrees across schools are not possible.

A summary of these options is available on our BCJ流程图.



  • Because lessons at Juilliard are with Juilliard faculty, 希望交叉注册的巴纳德和哥伦比亚学生必须同时申请和试镜,并按照与所有茱莉亚申请者相同的标准.
  • 巴纳德大学和哥伦比亚大学音乐学士学位课程和交叉注册课程的申请截止日期为常规公布日期. If your major requires prescreening, that material is also due by that date.
  • The application fee is $35 for the cross-registration (BCJ) application.
  • The application fee is $110 for the BM 程序.
    • If you are following 选项3 above, 你必须向茱莉亚学院提交一份BM项目申请和一份BCJ项目申请, 并支付申请费.
  • 如果你是第一次申请巴纳德大学或哥伦比亚大学的学生, 你同时申请了esball世博的mba项目和交叉注册项目, 如果你选择提前入学,你必须撤回你的mba申请. However, you may continue with your application to the cross-registration (BCJ) 程序.
  • 如果你已经申请了esball世博(mba项目)、巴纳德学院和/或哥伦比亚大学的本科学习, the admission decisions are made independently by each school. 最终, it is your decision where to enroll, and your responsibility to notify all schools of your final decision.
  • Admission to cross-registration 程序s is highly selective. 每年大约有10-12名来自所有古典和爵士专业的申请者被录取.


Current Juilliard 跳舞 or 音乐 Students

一旦你申请了, 试镜, 就读于esball世博, you can cross-register at 巴纳德学院 or 哥伦比亚大学 as follows:

  • 你必须在esball世博完成至少一个学期的学习,并且学术成绩良好,才有资格交叉注册.
  • 本科生:在巴纳德大学或哥伦比亚大学学习的课程可以作为充实目的, or approved credits may count toward your liberal arts elective requirement.
  • Graduate students: You may cross-register to enrich your performance studies; however, the courses do not satisfy graduate requirements.
  • Applications are available in the Office of the 注册商, 并且必须在您希望参加的学期之前的每个学期结束时提交.
  • You are limited to taking one class only per term. 尽管茱莉亚学院的学生可以从巴纳德学院和哥伦比亚大学的各种课程中进行选择, the class must have space available (as determined by Barnard and Columbia).
  • 日程安排很有挑战性. The course selected must fit into your Juilliard schedule. 特别是, 由于上课和排练的时间,舞蹈部的学生并不总是可以参加这个项目.

Current Juilliard 戏剧 Students

Due to actors’ intense class and rehearsal schedules, 戏剧部的学生不能参加交叉注册课程.

Current Barnard or Columbia Students

为了让巴纳德或哥伦比亚大学的在校生参加esball世博的交换项目, they must apply during Juilliard’s regular application and audition cycle, and follow all the requirements for BM applicants. 巴纳德-茱莉亚学院项目和哥伦比亚-茱莉亚学院项目包括以下内容:

  • Weekly lessons with a member of the Juilliard faculty
  • Annual juries, which determine eligibility to continue in the 程序
  • 参加器乐课程的学生:可能参加古典或爵士室内乐合奏(可能需要部门批准)
  • 参加声乐课程的学生:可以参加声乐指导(需要部门批准) 
  • Participation in Juilliard Orchestra placement auditions (for audition experience only; participation in auditions does not result in placement in the Orchestra)
  • Optional participation in concerto competitions
  • Note that these Programs do not include participation in large ensembles, such as the Juilliard Orchestra or the Juilliard Jazz Orchestra, or cross-registration in any Juilliard classes.

巴纳德和哥伦比亚大学的在校生如果想转到esball世博攻读音乐学士学位,必须像其他转学生一样申请和试镜. 有关转学的问题可直接向茱莉亚学院招生办公室咨询 (电子邮件保护).

The Accelerated 音乐硕士

  • 巴纳德或哥伦比亚大学的学生在esball世博交叉注册至少两年,可以申请加速音乐硕士学位, 获得了巴纳德大学或哥伦比亚大学的学士学位和esball世博的音乐硕士学位.
  • 这个综合课程通常需要5年时间(声音专业可能需要6年时间)。.
  • 你应该计划在巴纳德或哥伦比亚大学的前三年完成大部分本科学位要求.
  • 你必须申请加速硕士课程,并在哥伦比亚大学或巴纳德大学的大三参加面试, meeting all regular deadlines and application requirements. The only exception to this is that if your major requires prescreening, 这一要求是基于参与交叉注册计划而免除的.
  • 如果被MM项目录取, 你将在完成巴纳德或哥伦比亚大学的本科要求的同时,在esball世博攻读硕士学位.